Hidden Sins

Psalm 19: 12+13

Who can understand his errors? cleanse thou me from secret faults. Keep back thy servant from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression.”


Secret: Hidden, absent, conceal

Presumptuous: Speak or act without a warrant, proud, doing things with no right or authority.


For the past couple months, the Lord has been working in my life and trying to teach me some important lessons in his word; but before my heart was ready to dive into his word again, after being away for many months, He worked in my heart through church services and now online bible studies, and had brought verses to my attention during one-on-one readings. Last night was Psalm 19 which I opened this post with and provided definitions for two words that seemed to pop out at me.

While reading those two words, a song comes to mind that has been years since I sang, or even thought of. It is titled “Secret Place” written by the Booth Brothers: I will just add a glimpse of the song for now, and you can read it by following the link below.

My heart is like a house
One day I let the Savior in
There are many rooms
Where we would visit now and then

But then one day He saw that door
I knew the day had come too soon
I said, “Jesus, I’m not ready
For us to visit in that room

‘Cuz that’s a place in my heart
Where even I don’t go
I have some things hidden there
I don’t want no one to know”

But He handed me the key
With tears of love on His face
He said, “I want to make you clean
Let me go in your secret place.”

In this secret place were imagined sins, fears, worries, and doubts; but Jesus came into that secret place, and “cleaned out the closest” some may say – but it was only when the heart was ready for him to clean it out.

Sometimes, we may look at our secret place and think “it’s not a big deal, the problem isn’t that bad; God will overlook it and still forgive me because of all the great things I have done.” I am sure David had that thought until he realized how great, wise, and just God is which lead him to say these next words “Keep thy servant from PRESUMPTUOUS SINS”. This presumptuous sin is looking at your secret faults and having pride and when pride comes into the picture, we ruin the relationship we have with the Lord and leads us to transgress against him. David wanted no part in that and saught the Lord to forgive him.

What about you? Are there secret hidden sins that bring pride in your heart that make you think and presume that God does not see? God sees everything, and God knows. He is standing at the door, with the key in his hands stretched out – hands that have the scars of the cross of the payment for that sin. He already had the key, but He only asks one favour – to trust him. I am going to add the last part of that song.

So I opened up the door
And as the two of us walked in
I was so ashamed
His light revealed my hidden sin

But when I think about that room now
I’m not afraid any more
‘Cuz I know my hidden sin
No longer hides behind that door

That was a place in my heart
Where even I wouldn’t go
I had some things hidden there
I didn’t want no one to know

But He handed me the key
With tears of love on His face
And He made me clean
I let Him in my secret place
Is there a place in your heart
Where even you won’t go

Take care, and God bless.





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